NaNoWriMo Bootcamp

Hello fellow NaNoWriMo adventurers! As some of you may know, I write the first drafts of my Mark of the Storyteller series during NaNoWriMo and I also teach a bootcamp class to help people get their novels off the ground. I decided in 2016 to put all these lessons online to help as many other NaNos as I can, so here they are! You’ll find links below to the various posts about NaNoWriMo prep, along with suggested times to do them.

If you want to follow along with my progress for NaNoWriMo, friend me on! My username is writerlybliss.

Speaking of me, I always learn something new about myself, and my writing, when I do NaNoWriMo. Here is a small sampling…

  • The best soundtrack for me to work to is silence punctuated by the keystrokes of other writers. A sort of acoustic peer pressure if you will.
  • When setting up a sequel, it’s very hard trying to figure out when and how to introduce aspects of the characters the readers will need to be reminded about.
  • The brighter my nail polish, the faster I write. Which is a problem because I can’t keep my nails painted as a) it flakes off so fast and b) my nails hate it. I guess one month of polish isn’t too bad though…I’ve gone through teal, iridescent peach, purple…

That’s all folks!